Brandon, Sophia, Willy and baby Zander!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Long time no blog

Wow... I have been really slacking when it comes to updating and staying ontop of this blog. I shall begin by rewinding a bit and debriefing you on a few major events in the life of this Stover family. First off Zander will soon be a big brother. We will be adding to our family at the end of March. We are all very excited and not a bit overwhelmed... haha. Next, I am back to work and Brandon is also working lots at the port which means no more fedex (yah!) so he is home during the evening to help with our handsome boy and my exhausted self. Next, up my baby is no longer a baby.. he is one! We celebrated this mild stone with an amazing birthday party. We feel so blessed to have such amazing family and friends. I think that just about covers it. Check back soon for pictures!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Zoom Zoom

Now I rarely turn down a good shopping opportunity but to be completly honest going to Home Depot to get work gloves for Brandon did not thrill me, especially when he reminded me twice on the way that ALL we were getting were gloves for him. So since I was already trapped in the moving vehicle heading toward Home Depot I was forced to make the best of it.. and boy did Zander and I succeed. He We had a lot of fun driving this car/cart around the store making very authentic car noises. Just goes to show you with the right determination and a fun loving boy, fun is possible wherever you go!

Little Gym and Zander

Summer Fun

10 months!

   We officially have known Zander longer outside my tummy then inside! Zander is 10 months and is as amazing as ever. I feel very lucky to get to spend everyday all day with him since I am now on summer break. So far this summer Zander has spent most of his days enjoying the nice weather by playing in his pool, water table, or going for walks. He has also started classes at Little Gym and loves to play with his new friends and do some tumbling with Daddy.

   At 10 months Zander is very mobile and independent. He is crawling and walking (while holding onto objects) constantly. His favorite places to travel to are Willy's food and water dish and our bathroom. This month he continues his love for all food. His new favorite is mac & cheese (Annie's organic brand, thanks to Auntie Suzi) and Swedish hotcakes. He has developed such a great personality and sense of humor. He is always smiling, giggling and babbling away........ unless he is tired or hungry. My favorite time of the day is when he is feeling very playful and likes to wrestle.... he is getting very good. At ten months he is giving kisses, and has even started giving me kisses regularly before bed, without me asking for one. He is simply amazing.

T-shirt made with love by Katie Joe

Sunday, June 24, 2012


June 20th marked the first day of summer AND the first day of my summer vacation! We celebrated by going over to see Great Grandma and Suzi. Fun and Swedish hotcakes was had by all. Zander especially loved Swedish hotcakes, he is a true Scandinavian. 

Zander having his first bit of Swedish Hotcakes

He continued to ask (sign) for more.

Zander's First Swing

In spite of being Father's Day, this past Sunday Brandon took a break from relaxing and being treated like the King he is, to put up Zander's swing. Zander's Papa had searched all of the yard for the perfect tree with the perfect limb to hang it from. Zander LOVED it. He spent quite a long time swinging... which now has me contemplating... how long is too long to swing? I know I begin to get a little nauseous after 5 minutes. Hmm... I will have to google this.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Head of the class

With only 2 more days left of work, I am looking forward to having my favorite little student all day.

Just cute

Woke up one morning and found this....

made me smile.

First Pony Ride

While at Isabella's (Zander's future wife) 3rd birthday party, Zander went on a pony ride sat on a pony. We got a few quick pictures before he started crying. Future cowboy or wrangler may not be up his alley.

You didn't want to see the horses head, right? Okay, good I didn't think so.